3. Recipes for GHOST

3.1. Typical Processing Flows

Here we review some of the typical processing workflows for GHOST data reduction. For this discussion, it is assumed you’ve already installed the latest Ureka package and made a local clone of the ghostdr Hg repository. (For illustrative purposes, the text below assumes the clone’s working copy root is wc/.)

Furthermore, for the commands given below to work properly, you must:

  1. initialize the Ureka environment: ur_setup
  2. create a symlink named wc/externals/gemini_python/astrodata_GHOST pointing to wc/astrodata_GHOST,
  3. add wc/externals/gemini_python to the beginning of your PYTHONPATH, and
  4. add wc/externals/gemini_python/astrodata/scripts and wc/externals/ gemini_python/recipe_system/apps to the beginning of your PATH

3.1.1. Generating a Bias Calibration frame

To generate a bias calibration frame you need 2 or more GHOST bias frames from the same arm. Until the instrument is live, you can use the GHOST simulator to generate this data. Its testsim.py script will create several types of frames, including 3 bias frames for each arm, 3 darks for each arm, and 3 flats for each arm and resolution combination. You can comment out the generation of non-bias frame types to speed things up.

Once you have a few biases of the same arm to work with, generate a file list using the typewalk utility. The following command assumes you have generated several red arm biases (if you don’t specify either GHOST_RED or GHOST_BLUE, you may get mixed red and blue frames which don’t stack well!):

typewalk --types GHOST_BIAS GHOST_RED --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o bias.list

Now you are ready to generate a bias calibration frame. The following command (which runs the makeProcessedBiasG Gemini recipe behind the scenes) will stack the bias frames in listed bias.list and store the finished bias calibration in calibrations/storedcals/:

reduce @<path_to>/bias.list

Don’t forget the @ character in this line, e.g. if <path_to> is data then this command should be reduce @data/bias.list. The @ parameter is a legacy from IRAF, and tells reduce that you’re passing a list of filenames instead of a data file. This code call will place a file named bias_1_red_bias.fits in the calibrations/storedcals directory of your present working directory.

The whole process behind Gemini’s makeProcessedBias recipe is documented in the following flowchart (thanks Kathleen Labrie):


3.1.2. Generating a Dark Calibration Frame

The procedure for generating a dark calibration frame is broadly similar to making a bias calibration frame. However, the type to be passed to typewalk should be GHOST_DARK instead of GHOST_BIAS (in addition to the necessary GHOST_RED/GHOST_BLUE type):

typewalk --types GHOST_DARK GHOST_RED --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o dark.list

Assuming typewalk has output your list of dark frames to dark.list, attempting to run:

reduce @<path_to>/dark.list

will fail. This is because the framework cannot currently find calibrations stored on disk (it uses a much more complicated lookup scheme). The workaround for the time being is to force it to look on disk in a particular area using the --override_cal option:

reduce @<path_to>/dark.list --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_red_bias.fits

(Depending on your specific bias.list contents, your bias calibration under your calibrations/storedcals directory may have a different name, so double- check.) This command will place a file dark95_1_red_dark.fits into the calibrations/storedcals directory.

The whole process behind Gemini’s makeProcessedDark recipe is documented in the following flowchart (thanks Kathleen Labrie):


3.1.3. Generating a Flat Calibration Frame

The procedure for generating a flat field calibration frame is similar to creating a dark or bias, although you have to typewalk over GHOST_FLAT files instead, e.g.:

typewalk --types GHOST_FLAT GHOST_RED GHOST_HIGH --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o flat.list

(Note this is the first place where we have to explicitly specify the resolution mode/type of the object file we ultimately intend to reduce.) Then, when you call reduce on the flat.list, you must provide both the bias and dark file path explicitly:

reduce @<path_to>/flat.list --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_red_bias.fits processed_dark:calibrations/storedcals/dark95_1_red_dark.fits

(or whatever the filename of the processed dark turns out to be).

After the flat field has been created, the spectrograph apertures are fit using a polyfit approach. The RecipeSystem will read in the appropriate aperture model from the lookups system, fit it to the flat field, and store the resulting model in the calibrations system.

The selection of the appropriate polyfit model to start with is determined by the spectrograph arm, resolution, and the date the observations are made on. Ideally, there will only be one model per arm and resolution combination; however, spectrograph maintenance (i.e. dis- and re-assembly) may result in the model changing at a specific point in time. Therefore, the RecipeSystem should (see below) automatically choose the most recent applicable model for the dataset being considered.


Date-based model selection is currently not implemented - instead, only a single model is provided for each arm/resolution combination. This is sufficient for testing involving the simulator data. Date-based selection will be implemented soon.

The process behind makeProcessedFlatG is summarized in the following flowchart (thanks Kathleen Labrie):



This is the originally-envisaged implementation of makeProcessedFlatG. It has since been decided that Gemini will guarantee that Gemini Observatory will always take at least three flat fields per arm per observation, which means that rejectCosmicRays is not required; stackFrames will remove almost all cosmic rays.

3.1.4. Generating an Arc Calibration Frame


You must have performed a full slit viewer reduction before attempting to make an arc calibrator - the results of the slit flat and slit image reduction are required to make the profile extraction and subsequent wavelength fitting work. See Reducing Slit Viewing Images for details.

Making an arc calibration frame is similar to the previous calibration steps. The correct type to typewalk across is GHOST_ARC:

typewalk --types GHOST_ARC GHOST_RED GHOST_HIGH --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o arc.list

Additional calibrators required are reduced slit viewer flats and slit viewer images, as well as the aperture fit made during the generation of the flat calibration image:

reduce @<path_to>/arc.list --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_red_bias.fits processed_dark:calibrations/storedcals/dark95_1_red_dark.fits processed_slit:calibrations/storedcals/obj95_1.0_high_SLIT_stack_slit.fits processed_slitflat:calibrations/storedcals/flat95_high_1_SLIT_stack_slitFlat.fits processed_xmod:calibrations/storedcals/GHOST_1_1_red_high_xmodPolyfit.fits

Arc reduction not only generates a reduced arc image and places it in the calibrations directory, but also uses the polyfit module to extract the flux profiles of the object/sky fibres in the input image. It then uses this fit, and a line set stored in the RecipeSystem lookups system, to make a wavelength fit to the arc image. This fit is also stored in the calibrations directory/system.

3.1.5. Reducing an Object frame (Spectra)

The GHOST simulator produces object spectra frames like obj95_1.0_std_red.fits whose names follow this convention: obj{exptime}_{seeing}_{resolution}_{arm}.fits. If you run typewalk on the folder containing these, you’ll see that they are identified as GHOST_OBJECT:

typewalk --dir <path_to>/data_folder

This informs the reduction framework to run the reduceG GHOST recipe on them. which should run to at least the flatCorrect step now that you have dark and bias calibration frames (for the moment, we have commented the remaining steps out of the reduceG recipe so it will complete successfully):

reduce <path_to>/data_folder/obj95_1.0_high_red.fits

The above command will fail due to the faulty calibrations lookup. Again, we need to use the --override_cal option:

reduce <path_to>/data_folder/obj95_1.0_high_red.fits --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_red_bias.fits processed_dark:calibrations/storedcals/dark95_1_red_dark.fits processed_flat:calibrations/storedcals/flat95_high_1_red_flat.fits

This produces a obj95_1.0_high_red_flatCorrected.fits (or similar) file, a bias, dark and flat corrected GHOST spectrum frame.


The primitive rejectCosmicRays would normally be called as part of reduceG, after the darkCorrect step. It is currently commented out - the underlying LACosmic algorithm is working, but aperture removal/re-instatement is required to avoid accidentally flagging spectral peaks and the edges of orders as cosmic rays, and this has yet to be implemented.

3.1.6. Reducing Slit Viewing Images

Reducing slit viewer images is very similar to reducing standard images, including steps to generate bias, dark and flat calibration frames, plus a final step to process the slit viewer frames (which removes cosmic rays and computes the mean exposure epoch). The first step, computing the bias calibrator, may be skipped in favour of simply pointing to a slit bias frame (of type GHOST_SLITV_BIAS). Or, follow these steps to produce one by stacking multiple frames together:

typewalk --types GHOST_SLITV_BIAS --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o slit_bias.list
reduce @<path_to>/slit_bias.list

The next step is to generate the dark calibrator. Follow these steps to produce one:

typewalk --types GHOST_SLITV_DARK --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o slit_dark.list
reduce @<path_to>/slit_dark.list --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_SLIT_stack_slitBias.fits

Now generate the flat calibrator. For this you will now need to specify an additional type to typewalk that identifies the resolution of the data that you wish to process (as mixing resolutions would be nonsensical). Follow these steps as an example:

typewalk --types GHOST_SLITV_FLAT GHOST_HIGH --dir <path_to>/data_folder -o slit_flat_high.list
reduce @<path_to>/slit_flat_high.list --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_SLIT_stack_slitBias.fits processed_dark:calibrations/storedcals/dark95_1_SLIT_stack_slitDark.fits

The final step is to use all of the above calibrators in a call to reduce a set of slit viewer images taken concurrently with a science frame, usually found in files named like obj95_1.0_high_SLIT.fits (following this convention: obj{exptime}_{seeing}_{resolution}_SLIT.fits). If you run typewalk on the folder containing these, you’ll see that they are identified as GHOST_SLITV_IMAGE. This informs the reduction framework to run the makeProcessedSlitG GHOST recipe on them. Run the reduction as follows (note that the flat is provided to --override_cal as process_slitflat and not simply processed_flat):

reduce <path_to>/data_folder/obj95_1.0_high_SLIT.fits --override_cal processed_bias:calibrations/storedcals/bias_1_SLIT_stack_slitBias.fits processed_dark:calibrations/storedcals/dark95_1_SLIT_stack_slitDark.fits processed_slitflat:calibrations/storedcals/flat95_high_1_SLIT_stack_slitFlat.fits

3.2. Other Processing Flows

include scientific flow charts, include associated recipes